"Democracy is based upon the conviction that there are extraordinary possibilities in ordinary people."
Harry Emerson Fosdick
The Commission establishes County policy; approves and adopts the annual budget for all County operations; approves actual expenditures for each department; supervises the operations of Road & Bridge, Planning and Zoning, Building Codes, Human Resources, Purchasing, Information Technology, Community Services, Emergency Management, Joint Communications and Facilities and Grounds Maintenance; ensures County-wide compliance with numerous statutory requirements; and, acts as liaison with County boards, commissions, and other governmental entities.

Voting & Elections
There are 116 election jurisdictions in Missouri, each with their own voting system. That means there is no single voting system or single point of access.
Voting machines are not connected to the internet, so they can't be hacked from the internet.
Every single voting machine in Missouri is required to produce a paper audit trail.
Election results are audited by local election officials before any results are certified.